Portland Neighborhoods

All the streets in Portland Oregon are designated with directional prefixes like NW or SW. This lets you know what section of town the homes are located. The North/South boundary divider is Burnside Blvd which runs the length of Portland near it’s center. The Willamette River separates the East and West sides of the city. Then to complicate the design there is a North Portland area known as the 5th quadrant. Take a look at the maps below and the highlighted Portland neighborhoods.

Discover Portland

Click the links for the

of homes for sale in each neighborhood

Northwest Portland Neighborhoods

Southeast Portland

  1. Belmont

  2. Buckman

  3. Eastmoreland / Reed
  4. Ladd’s Addition

  5. Lents

  6. Millpark

  7. Montavilla

  8. Mt Tabor

  9. Richmond

  10. Sellwood-Moreland

  11. Woodstock

Southeast Portland Neighborhoods

Northeast Portland

  1. Alameda
  2. Alberta

  3. Cully

  4. Grant’s Park
  5. Irvington

  6. Laurelhurst
Northeast Portland Neighborhoods


  1. Arbor Lodge / Portsmouth
  2. Boise / Eliot /Mississippi
  3. Kenton

  4. Overlook / University Park
  5. St. John’s

North Portland Neighborhoods